Friday, November 17, 2023

Drawing the Human Figure (beginners) - dibujofranco (WTD30)


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Part of the Ways to Draw - drawing & painting classes online collection

Today we'll be sketching the human figure from photo references of sculptures/classical works art. (Proportions + basic tips for beginners)

Location Online Access link

About this event

  • 1 hour
  • Mobile eTicket

The human figure is one of the most portrayed themes in the history of art. In this series of classes we will see how to represent the human figure in many different ways. There will be a brief intro with examples, then you will sketch and draw from classic artworks and/or some photographs for the rest of the workshop time. These are not demonstration classes; They are live on Zoom, not pre-recorded and not repeated.

For this class you need to have some drawing paper, A4 to A3 size, some regular charcoal (not compressed), from diameters 0.5 to 1 cm, a piece of cotton cloth to clean, a kneaded eraser. If you prefer, instead, have a 6B graphite pencil and a sharpener or a black ink pen.


In case you cannot get your ticket, please contact me telling me what is going on.


Every class is different, also the models we draw or paint. We go live on zoom. They are not pre-recorded. These are not demonstrations classes. To begin, there are some instructions, we see examples, a mini demo if necessary at the beginning, then you work the rest of the time. At the end, if you please, you can share your work on screen or thru email. The vacancies are only a few per session.

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Starting in December there will be a drawing and painting course, weekly classes to start from scratch. So if you're a beginner, keep an eye out or email me for info. In that course we will learn to work with many different mediums and draw a variety of subjects. Reserve your vacancy in advance for WAYS TO DRAW AND PAINT - the course to learn how to draw and paint from scratch, write to

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The classes are in English but some Spanish language can be spoken.

Below you can see some examples of what's coming. To see some of my works, you can visit my social media

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