Friday, January 30, 2015


profile? by dibujandoarte

profile?, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

Temperas on paper.


Talleres de Verano - Dibujo - Pintura
Febrero 2015
Toda la información la encontrás haciendo click en la imagen. Respondé un cuestionario acerca de qué te gustaría aprender, si tenés conocimiento o no del tema y los posibles horarios, también podés dejar tu consulta.  


Sunday, January 25, 2015

dibujandoarte - some drawings in diff techniques

the fact that since flickr isn't posting the images directly as it used to up to a few months ago, make complicated being uploading, here, there, to facebook, and whatever... i'm seriously thinking about stop uploading my stuff. the truth is that in flickr for instance, people usually watches my images about a hundred times on the first couple of days, but only a few favs and almost noone coments. and here in blogger there seems to be more traffic but noone leaves any coments, so I guess i'm just posting for some russian/american bots which visit the site and sometimes leave some spam message i obviously don't publish. here's a screen capture, it's making me think if taking this long to post is really worth...

anyway, hope you enjoy these small drawings, some are from last night, a couple from a few days ago and the pencil one is from last year i think. 

clouds are approaching. let's ruuuun away!

here is a pic of the sky at the beach a few days ago.

you can see this one and some by clicking on the image.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

some flowers

just for fun. graphite and coloured pencils, gouache con.coloured paper, from a photo I took some time ago to the backyard plants.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Drawing THE HUMAN FIGURE from the Masters
