Sunday, February 19, 2012

collage - mixed media after a painting by Toulouse-Lautrec

the third and last collage for the project for school.

these works (plus Seurat's Bagnade I posted some months ago) are just pieces of papers torn from magazine, glued to the board. later i added some color or details with oil pastels, then acrylic varnish on top. 

the one after casas has also some gouache (témpera) beneath the oil pastel on the upper part of the work

collage -  mixed media after a painting by Toulouse-Lautrec by dibujandoarte

mixed media after Ramón Casas "Madelaine"

collage -  mixed media after Ramón Casas "Madelaine" by dibujandoarte

finished version

Drawing THE HUMAN FIGURE from the Masters
