Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Drawing From a Work of Art - Studying the Masters (WTD 31)

We will study the composition (main structures, values, colors, shapes, etc) of a work of art then we'll draw our own version after this.

Sunday, November 26 ··· From 7 to- 8pm New York (GMT-05) 

C ontinuing with the series of Drawing and Painting Classes, Ways to Draw and Paint, this time we will see what the most important elements of the visual language are and how they are all put together to make a composition. Before doing our own great drawings or paintings we need to study what the artists that came before us did in the past, those wonderful works of art teach us big lessons, so let's learn from the masters and their works.

H ave some paper and art supplies on hand to make your own work of art from a work of art from the past. Carcoal or graphite pencil could do.

I f you cannot attend this one, don't worry, there'll be may more. Surely one weekly session with a different work each week.

In case you cannot get your ticket, please contact me telling me what is going on.

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This is part of a series of art classes onlineespecially for beginners and anyone who wants to learn different ways of drawing and painting, since there isn't only one, as there isn't only one way to do things in life. In each class we will also be experimenting with different media: (i.e. graphite, colored pencils , pastels, charcoal, ball and fountain pens, markers, etc.)We will also be doing some painting classes for beginners soon, too! (i.e. introduction to watercolors, oils, acrylics, gouache-temperas, collage...). We have already started with watercolours!

Contact me if you have any particular interest, then, if the theme is within my knowledge, I can schedule the class - for you or your group of friends-.The classes are in English but some Spanish language can be spoken.

Below you can see some examples of what's coming. To see some of my works, you can visit my social media// //

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