Thursday, October 12, 2023

Drawing Animals (I) - Ways to draw - Drawing and Painting Classes (WTD10)

Today we'll try to spot the important things that help us build a drawing. Axis, shapes, proportions, etc. Then we'll draw after photos.

There are many different ways to draw but one of the most common is to spot the main axis, the simplest basic shapes, the proportions as a way to build our figures. This time we´'ll be paying attention to these, then make our drawings based on some photographic references.

You´'ll need to have: A4 to A3 drawing paper - Charcoal, Colored pencils, graphite pencil or a ballpoint pen - Kneaded/regular eraser - If using charcoal you'´ll need a piece of cloth to clean - Pencil Sharpener

This online class is designed for beginners (ages 14 and up). The vacancies are few. This is not a demo class, and it's not pre-recorded. Sometimes the topic of a class might be the same but the class is not, and neither the activities or images we draw.

<Get your ticket here>

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