i decided to make some studies of paintings, in this case one by spanish Ramón Casas and the other by the genious Georges P. Seurat. Of course my compositions varied a lot from the originals, but i didn't dedicate as much time as I should have, what i mean is that there are many differences in negative spaces, directions and proportions, but it was cause started making a rough sketch with an oil pastel and begun collecting and pasting coloured papers, and didn't come back to the originals to review all that, just to compare some colours and work lightly on the shapes.
will try to pay more attention to that in the following studies, anyway these two are still in progress so maybe i'll make some arrangements... something i don't like at all is the missing part of the kid at the bottom-right in the collage after Seurat's painting, since it was cut in the book i used as reference...
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