Monday, November 25, 2019

geranium in acrylic painting

#finished #acrylics #acrylicpaint #flowers #painting #geranium #art  #acrilicos #malvon #flores #naturalezaviva #acrilicosobrepapel #pintura #arte #Kunst #botanical #botanica #geranio #botanicalart #Kunstwerk #artwork #artlovers

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

study painting after The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa by Bernini

this work is about 80x90cm, and I worked with a grid in graphite, I started drawing with charcoal then added acrylics. The whole black&white (+grey) version is missing but will upload it later. 
It's after a photo of The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa sculpture by Bernini, you know that! The paint is acrylic.
I also include a version I studied from another point of view of the sculpture; this one is pastel pencil on canvass.


these are some sketches of human figure after photos, for practise, one is part of an imaginary image and the sitting man I made it from memory on the bus, it's after a guy who had been sitting in front of me in the subway.


Cyclamen. This work is from a couple of years ago maybe more, but I added some details, a few shades and framed it. I've been uploading some of my works in Instagram: 

life session

pitt pastel pencils on paper, conté bars of sanguine pastel and the bigger work is acrylics on canvass.

nonfigurative abstraction

one "is" watercolours and acrylics on paper. And the other are acrylics on a clean piece of cloth