Saturday, August 30, 2014

nature seen uncomplete I and II - series.

generally, the people who live in big cities are used to seeing things behind bars. in the zoo, in cages, and even public spaces like squares, which are surrounded by gates or wire fences which are open or closed to us depending on some law or someone's desires, so we are forced to see things severed, not complete.

more to come...

Thursday, August 28, 2014

life sketch

a short time sketch on a very (and i mean VERY) cheap paper with a Cretacolor 6B graphite bar.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Flickr and Blogger are no longer friends??

Since 2007 I had my accounts linked, so whenever I sent an email with the image to Flickr, it would automatically send the pic + text to blogger, but since a few months ago I started to notice that images paradoxically apperead in Blogger but not in Flickr.

And now there's no way to get the image into blogger. I can share it to twitter, facebook, tumblr but no way to this blog... surely policies have changed but I would have been polite from the yahoo side to let us know about that, or am I the only one dealing with this issue?

Feel free to leave any comments if you know how I can fix it. Thanks in advance.

Let's twist again!

Sketch in oil still unfinished