Monday, October 25, 2010

planetarium sketch contest

planetarium sketch contest
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

today a new skecth contest was held.

this time at the planetarium. i got a special mention for this one. i made it in about 25 minutes. 35x50cm - charcoal on coloured paper.

some photos of the sorroundings artificial lakes...

 these two are from inside the building...


Saturday, October 23, 2010

life sketches

these are two half A4 sized sketches from this afternoon class. they were very quick ones, just little studies of light and shadows of the posing model

intensive studies of colour

these are some colour studies in gouache, using different palettes on the same composition

life drawing

life drawing
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

this is a 70x100 cm life sketch, only line work and no values

pencil studies

these two are lights and shadows studies. one of them if using a model, the geometrical bodies one is made up.


acrylic paintings


first I made the portrait with red gouache and sugar on to the metal, then covered it with hard base then washed the gouache, then the acid. Though I had to retouch some parts where the hard base had washed off

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010