Saturday, February 20, 2010


selfprotrait Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

once more, me facing a mirror, this time oil pastels and turpentine to blend at hand... (I should use cleaner colours but i can't help mixing and using dirty ones, haha). I was too tired when i did it so now i realized my eyes are in a different line but the idea was to also not add too much details. i tried to make it using shapes and not using lines i mean rather pictorial than drawing

life sketch in oil

life sketch in oil
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
a 20 minutes sketch in oil and turpentine, on paper with a previous layer of gesso. no details, just trying to quickly capture shapes and masses of lights and shadows.

Monday, February 15, 2010

sting portrait

sting portrait Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

an attempt to do a portrait of someone famous. colour pencils, not watercolour pencils this time, i tried some new ones. i need more practice, that equals TIME. later i'll if i can find who the rights of the origunal pic belong to, then add it here, as obviously i didn't take it ;)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

life sketch

life sketch
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

i made this quick sketch this afternoon while one one of the students was drawing in front of her easel.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

still life sketch oil pastel

another still life, first i sketched with grey and black oil pastel. on topd i added some colors, then blended with turpentine and continued adding more colors + blackand white or some complementary for the shadows. took me about an hour to make it (35x50 cm approx)