Monday, June 30, 2008


Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
today's drawing class: the same replica of michelangelos statue again but two instead of one. then i made this digital composition combining some exercises i had to prepare for a subject about visual language.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

composition in gouache

composition in gouache
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
this is a composition exercise for school. i used this old sketch to prepare it. hope the teacher tells me it's alright, i don't want to do it again... Lu helped me with the compostion. thanks! and David, my good friend, thanks also for your constant advice!!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

life sketches 21 06 2008

monocopy in oil

monocopy in oil
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
this was a quick sketch in oil made on a plastic surface then all the procedure as when printing a woodcut. we're experiencing different sort of monocopies works.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

still life sketch

still life sketch
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
another simple sketch.

quick life sketch

quick life sketch
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
a very simple sketch in charcoal from last saturday

painting exercise

painting exercise
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
this is the same compostion i did before but this time the exercise was to make a "grey" out of the mixture of red+blue+yellow. Adding this mix to a lot of white oil then adding little bits of colours, always the primary. the idea is to have little contrast between each color. Still have to make some corrections (like the small cup shape) and add some details.

Monday, June 2, 2008

drawing class

drawing class
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
these are the compositions we had to draw today. in the last one i couldn't supposedly use shadows, only lines, so i used a 8B pencil (sort of conté) instead of charcoal but couldn't help adding some (shadows). i also used some cream-coloured pastel pencil to enforce the light. these are all big sketches of about 60x80cm., big for me at least that always drew in small formats...=)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

life sketching

life sketching
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
today i started with a very quick and simple sketch (up-right) then added some detail on a second one (down-right) and made the last one. in fact all them are super quick sketches. Of course i colored them at home with gouache a-la-watercolour, hehe.