Sunday, May 27, 2007

EDM challenge #36= draw out in public - life sketches in a square

life sketches in a square i tried to sketch a woman knitting here...

life sketches in a square this was a man resting on a bench

EDM challenge # 1= draw a shoe

EDM # 1= draw a shoe
EDM # 1= draw a shoe,
originally uploaded by dibujando arte.

EDM challenge #39= draw your toothbrush

EDM #39
EDM #39,
originally uploaded by dibujando arte.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

drawing from photo

drawing from photo
this is a drawing i did long ago but i do like it. it's made over an ink wash i did over a glass, then i "printed" the paper on this wash. afterwards i found the spot suitable for this face taken from a photo contained in a book from the 80's, which by chance is from the place where i'm now working. i wish i could find this woman and give the drawing to her. anyway perhaps she wouldn't like it at all, hahaha.

published insect

published insect this is another of the published drawings in the newspaper from Spain. a little watercolour for the base but then colour pencils.

life drawing

life drawing
anohter sketch, in oil pastels. i'm just trying them. i 'm not used to them yet. the model was sitting against a mirror, then i don't know why i used other colors to make her reflection then why i added that blue surround, but it seems to me her soul reflected in the mirror and her shadow when there wasn't any. the walls were about 2mts from her...

life drawing

life drawing
life drawing,
originally uploaded by dibujandoarte.
just a 5 min sketch to capture lights and shadows

Monday, May 14, 2007

one of the published drawings

originally uploaded by dibujandoarte.

this rooster is one of my favourite of the drawings that were published in the news paper from Spain last year. i did it with graphite and colour pencils after a photo they sent me. i added the lettering with paint shop pro.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

life drawing

life drawing life drawing

just two little watercolours, of the same pose but from different viewpoint.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

EDM challenge # 10 - draw your hand

it's a combo. i did the drawing with pencil then I slightly =) retouched it with paint shop pro. i did it directly with the mouse cause i'm too lazy to conect the tablet today. but will do anohter version using the tablet later. can this be under mixed media?

Monday, May 7, 2007

EDM challenge # 117 - something round

i think this challenge i did should be "some things round". i don't know where this all came from. i just started drawing round and round, watercolouring, adding marker contours, more watercolouring, finding possible objects among all these circles, then adding more marker. it ended up like this. it's weird, funny, and no more words to say, hehehe. what would you call it?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

EDM challenge # 24 - draw a piece of fruit

i did this watercolor after some fruits i put on the table. i have to buy more WC paper to bind a new sketchbook because this one has only one page left to paint on. I used some salt while the WCs were still wet. I like the effect for the peel. what do you think?

half a chair + half a chair = EDM challenge # 30 - draw a chair

EDM #30 - draw a chair - sketch

yesterday i did this graphite sketch while waiting at the doctor's, so when i came home i did it with ink and coloured it with watercolors. i did the sketch in two parts. i should've rotated the page to make it, but it didn't matter. the important was to sketch it, then i would put both parts together later. i stayed up until 4am finishing it...