Saturday, December 29, 2007

press LONGER pause, then paint

Mrs. Bradley's Mysteries. a wonderful BBC 5 episodes series starring Diana Rigg. from these 5 episodes, "Death at the Opera" is my favourite. this time the pauses were longer, almost 30 minutes each.

edm challenge # 64 - draw your sink

just the kitchen sink.

Friday, December 28, 2007

press pause, then draw VII

another thriller, more sketches.

this time two versions with the same sketches.

a simple one and a worse one. which's which??

Monday, December 17, 2007

seasons greetings

seasons greetings
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
i wanted to greet and thank everyone for all the nice 2007 i've spent visiting, viewing your wonderful art and reading your blogs and also receiving comments on mine, specially to all the people from EDM and Botanical Art yahoo groups. My best wishes for 2008 to you all. Martín.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

press pause, then draw II -

some other thriller's images, frozen on the screen while i sketch liying on my bed =)

Monday, December 10, 2007

press pause then draw!

press pause then draw!
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
pressing pause on a video has been a task i started many years ago. i had a VCR which after 5 minutes continued playing so i had to hurry before the scene changed it was quite difficult to make a pause on the exact scene, for example a dancing figure. luckily now the DVD gives more time.
a pencil sketch then digital process with paint shop pro, resizing, adding different colours on the low & mid tones

another self portrait

another self portrait
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
with this image i get to 200 photos in flickr... let's see what happens from now on. i guess the first ones will not be shown as they told me...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

EDM # 56= draw a selfportrait

i drew a selfportrait in sanguine pastel. i also drew some eyes separately in different mediums. i chose left in sepia pastel, and right in WC pencils. made digital collage with them on the original image, then added all the dots, then erased circled parts too leaving the original image to be seen in some parts, then framed it in black. i know i may ruin the drawing but i like to play with digital effects even though the results cannot be good, i took more than 2 hours erasing adding different shapes, looking for a composition i liked till i got this one... if you want to say it's worst thing you've ever seen, just say it, you're surely right!

EDM # 136 - part II- draw something that's alive

i made this last night. when i closed the window the dragonfly appeared to the light then i thought of catching it into a glass then draw it. a few minutes later came the beetle. caught it, but they both couldn't be in the same glass so had to separate them. drew one then the other and freed them into the night again, almost coming to light of day, about 5 a.m.


Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

Monday, December 3, 2007

life sketch using geometry

using more straight lines and shapes. forgetting details. just an impression of the posing model.

Friday, November 30, 2007

a try with watermak

a try with watermak
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

this is a try at adding a watermak in a low opacity layer. it's just a try to see how it looked like. art is always to explore. as the saying says in my blog "...always wanting to know what it's like..."

(it's also from last summer's set photos in La Lucila del Mar).

sketch from photo 07

sketch from photo 07
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

didn't like how the faces came out, as well as many other things, hehe. then added some digital dis-enhancements, but i like them somewhow

(it's also from last summer's set of photos in La Lucila del Mar).

Thursday, November 29, 2007

EDM # 81 - draw a streetlight

this is from another photo from my vacations las february. it's liquid ink pen, a wash, then added a light blue watercolour pencil layer for the sky, a wash to it and some touches of white rottring ink.

EDM challenge # 62 - part II

this is also to complete challenge # 62, collage is a medium i have almost never used, though i found it quite interesting. this is just a made up figure with bits of paper from a restaurant leaflet i was given in the street. i first added glue to the sketchbook page then some watercolour on top, then started hand-cutting the pieces and sticking. i added some contour with sepia ink and a fine brush then at the end i drew the side, numbers, etc.

EDM challenge # 62 + # 37

EDM challenge # 62
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
this is a challenge i already did but i'm re-did it with a medium i don't usually use: Ballpen.
cleaned & cropped in PSP

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

EDM # 100 - draw a landscape

i made this sketch in ballpen and added blue watercolour. i made it from a photo i took in february when i went to the sea on vacations. the view is so inspiring.
It's a view from the sea to the fisher's club in La Lucila del Mar.

Monday, November 26, 2007

life sketch

life sketch
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
this one was using a charcoal stick (about 3" long) by the farthest side to the page

2 quick life sketches

2 quick life sketches
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
just two very quick sketches. i dripped the too thick yellow acrylic on the page of the sketchbook and rubed it quicly with a brush.

study of lights in Caravaggio's The calling of Saint Matthew

i started this as a quick skecth, but ended up making a study of composition lights and shadows from a book about Caravaggio . I kept on adding roght details for about 1 hour then. In a way I felt attracted to try a new pencil* I had bought last week on this A4 sized sketchbook I did with brown paper.

* lumocolor permanent by Staedtler (waterproof)
link to the originanl image:

la vocación de san mateo - the calling of saint matthew

Sunday, November 25, 2007

gardenia augusta

Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

inspired by the beautiful leaves Teri does, during the weekend I wanted to try some, then this is my attempt to draw a gardenia and its leaves. i'll keep on insisting on flowers and leaves...

[[ thanks Valerie for helping me with the name]]

Thursday, November 22, 2007

edm # 25 - draw a glass

edm # 25 - draw a glass
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
i guess i was already too tired to draw last night...

edm # 28 - draw an appliance or anything else you like

my friend Marisa brought it for me last summer as a present. it's a VERY useful gadget.

(the lettering on top of the pendriver is added with paint shop pro)

edm # 7- draw a bottle, jar or tin from the kitchen

an ice cubes container. seeing the drawing now, Eddi Reader singing "just a little twisted, it's just a little twisted that's all" comes to my head...

EDM challenges # 123 - 37 - 132

this bell is a brass keyring I bought when I was 12 going on 13, so I take it with me everywhere eversince. i've had it for over 23. i can't go anywhere if i don't have it. i'd say it's more important to have my bell than the keys, hahaha. anyway i love to collect keyrings, i don't know how many i have or how many i've lost too...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

EDM # 58 - draw a hat, cap or other headgear

i bought this cap back in 1999 when i went to the sea for the first time...more text in the drawing

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

EDM # 14 - draw what you see in the morning when you get up

this is part of the chaos in my bedroom when i get up, in this case i drew it last night while in bed, but it was what i was going to see this morning when getting up, and certainly did.

EDM # 136 - draw something that's alive

flying ants... everyday they appear from somewhere. i caught some of them into the jar to be able to draw them. they move too fast though... my attempt is in the sketch

Monday, November 19, 2007

edm # 116 - draw something green

edm # 131 - draw a bottle of spray

in this case two bottles, to make up for the missing "pepper shaker" maybe?

half edm # 104 - draw some salt and pepper shakers

edm # 96 - draw something sweet

edm # 23 - draw your foot

Thursday, November 15, 2007

more feet sketches - CFD project 1

here are some more sketches i did for the classical figure drawing - project 1. they are photographed not scanned, that's why there are shadows in the images, then compiled into one image.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

feet sketches - 4

feet sketches - 4
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

these are the fourth try. the image had a little more resolution than the previous ones, so i could detail a little more, though the shape leaves me uncertain... i'm not usually doing overdetailed work nowadays, it was my passion a few years ago but practising from time to time isn't bad.

feet sketches 1 - 2 - 3 /5 - 6

1 - 2 -3

numbered in order how i started to sketch - from left to right - top bottom. these were made after the images posted as PROJECT 1 at the Classical Figure Drawing group run by Brian.

5 - 6

Feet sketches

1 - 2 -3

numbered in order how i started to sketch - from left to right - top bottom. these were made after the images posted as PROJECT 1 at the Classical Figure Drawing group run by Brian.

5 - 6

Monday, November 12, 2007

sketch contest yesterday

this is a photo i took to the sketch i did at the place of the contest, before i give it to the organizers. i did id in about half an hour. they hold these contests about 3 times a year in different places of the city. this time it was a place full of statues, there is a museum there and there is a park around full of statues too. i chose one from the outside.

life sketch

life sketch
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
during one of last saturday's classes. i continued the background and some shading after the class. this is a different model posing, during the first class.